The Important Poly Bubble Mailer is better safe than sorry.

 By using Poly Bubble Mailers, problems like product size/quantity variations are easily solved. Most boxes are sold in 25 count bundles while the largest size Poly Bubble Mailers are at the very least available in 50 count quantities. What's even better is that the smaller the size of the mailer, the larger the quantity per count, which results in the more your able to ship and the more you're able to profit! Oh not to mention lighter packages are less expensive to ship when using 3rd party commercial shipping companies like UPS, FED EX, and USPS. Without using Poly Bubble Mailers as your source of shipping equipment, prices are outrageous to simply just ship a sample out to potential customers.

It's better to be Seen than Sheltered

Market Market Market! Now if your goal is to print your company's logo, name, or slogan on boxes or cardboard envelopes you're talking big bucks. Let's also consider this... you'll get overlooked because brown boxes look boring. Use color! Great suggestion (yes but when adding color to boxes don't forget to add $$$ plus the limited amount you can offered x the small number of potential customers you can promote to = bad investment). Not very wise, although a few customers may become familiar with your company, your profits will be all wrapped up in your presentation.

To counteract that idea Poly Bubble Mailers are less expensive to customize, they draw greater attention, and if you seek the Glamour Bubble Mailer version you'll find these to be great for gift packaging.

Glamour Bubble Mailers are advantageous because their shiny, colorful, glaring material is quite eye opening which brings curiosity, awareness, and identity to packages. The various colors draw a distinct look to your products and you totally separate yourself from the competition which in turn indirectly markets, promotes, and advertise your goods. Oh did I mention affordable, inexpensive, and in other words cost saving!

Save time, satisfy revenue goals, and suppress expensive shipping methods with Poly Bubble Mailers. Why risk it? Why limit yourself? Why fail? These mailers are available all over the Internet. For my first time buyers here are a few tips to help you safely select the proper Poly Bubble Mailer.

How about your book sales, photo prints, magazines, and media products? Poly Bubble Mailers are a great best cost solution for transporting these types of products to your valued customers. But wait, it's also a detractor if the quality isn't up to par since we live in a microwave, fast food, 10 minute oil change, I need it now society. If your delivery equipment is faulty your customer is off to the next vendor (traveling at the speed of light) quickly need I say? So the question is what should we look for to determine quality Poly Bubble Mailers from online stores:

The Outer Shell: All exterior plastic isn't manufactured the same therefore you need to test the mailer by attempting to label it so that you can mail your stamps or promotional labels on the outer covering of the mailer. This is important to discover because it will be a waste of money if you buy a bulk amount and then realize it's not applicable for your exact shipping needs.

The Drop Test: Sometimes the bubble padding is pre-crushed or flimsy when you receive it. The normal shipping process involves a very fast paced, rearranging, tossing, shaking, and stacking ordeal by which the products your shipping will certainly experience these things in its entirety during transit. You need a high endurance mailer that is manufactured properly to withstand successfully.


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